Have some fun in the sun with a summer party. This is a perfect excuse to celebrate and get together with your friends or family. You work hard, so you deserve to have a good time and enjoy the warm weather. Escape to a relaxing place under a palm tree and drink from a coconut. Then, when rested, it is time to dance or do the limb. Dress in your favorite summer clothes, like a hula skirt, bucket hat, sunglasses, or lei, and party the night away. If it gets too hot, take a dip into a pool and have a swim. The main thing to keep in mind when planning your summer party is to check the weather and try to plan around good weather if possible or make plans in case it storms. |
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Have some fun in the sun with a summer party. This is a perfect excuse to celebrate and get together with your friends or family. You work hard, so you deserve to have a good time and enjoy the warm weather. Escape to a relaxing place under a palm tree and drink from a coconut. Then, when rested, it is time to dance or do the limb. Dress in your favorite summer clothes, like a hula skirt, bucket hat, sunglasses, or lei, and party the night away. If it gets too hot, take a dip into a pool and have a swim. The main thing to keep in mind when planning your summer party is to check the weather and try to plan around good weather if possible or make plans in case it storms.
All these top summer party themes are great if you are looking for a designated or more specific theme. Sometimes, for a summer gathering it is nice to be laid back and relaxed having the warmth and sun be the main event. Below are some simple summer related games and activities.
The sun always looks so neat when it is rising or setting, so depending on if you and your friends/family are morning or evening people choose to see the sunrise or sunset. Or do both either on the same day or different days. If possible choose to go watch the sun on summer solstice (the longest day of the year, which happens annually between the 20 and 22 June). When planning, aim to be at the desired location about 20 minutes before to make sure you do not miss it. Some good places to watch the sunrise or sunset include, the park, the beach, your backyard depending on location. After watching the sun, you could go out to eat something or have a picnic while watching the sun. |
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The sun always looks so neat when it is rising or setting, so depending on if you and your friends/family are morning or evening people choose to see the sunrise or sunset. Or do both either on the same day or different days. If possible choose to go watch the sun on summer solstice (the longest day of the year, which happens annually between the 20 and 22 June). When planning, aim to be at the desired location about 20 minutes before to make sure you do not miss it. Some good places to watch the sunrise or sunset include, the park, the beach, your backyard depending on location. After watching the sun, you could go out to eat something or have a picnic while watching the sun.
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An ice cold treat is always nice when the weather is warm and sunny. Make your own ice cream cones and decorate them with chopped fruit or sprinkles. You can also walk along the beach or through little shops and get an ice cream or sorbet treat to enjoy. |
An ice cold treat is always nice when the weather is warm and sunny. Make your own ice cream cones and decorate them with chopped fruit or sprinkles. You can also walk along the beach or through little shops and get an ice cream or sorbet treat to enjoy.
When the weather is nice, invite a few friends or family to go on a small bike ride. Many parks have nature bike allowed trails that are nice and you can experience the outdoors. Make sure to choose a path that is of the ability level of everyone who is riding, especially if there are little kids or older people.
When the weather is nice, grab your shoes, some water and go for a nature walk or hike. If you are doing a long hike, aim to leave earlier in the day when it is typically cooler and then you have finished the physical activity before it is too warm. For fun, try out different nature trails and ones with a cool lookout.
When the sun is setting, have a small, safe fire. You can play music or have a jam around the fire for entertainment. For a treat, roast marshmallows and make smores. For the smores, you can either do chocolate and graham crackers or put the marshmallow between two graham cracker cookies with chocolate on one side with the chocolate touching the marshmallow.
Spend some time at the beach and do some relaxing painting. Bring little canvases, paint, paint brushes, and anything else you may want for your painting. Then, you can either paint something from memory or try to paint a scene at the beach you are currently seeing.
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Try going to a fruit stand or farmers market and try some fresh produce. This can be a fun destination and reward at the end of a walk for refreshments. Some are better than others, so try to do some research and see which ones are best closest to where you are. |
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Try going to a fruit stand or farmers market and try some fresh produce. This can be a fun destination and reward at the end of a walk for refreshments. Some are better than others, so try to do some research and see which ones are best closest to where you are.
The ocean and water are so pretty. Go swimming or take some aesthetic pictures of your surrounding scenery. Some other water based activities to try out include paddle boarding, scuba diving, canoeing, snorkeling. These activities would be really fun, and if you are inexperienced, try to get an instructor. You could also walk along the water with your feet in the sand and look for sea glass or shells and have a contest for who finds the most.
Go to a flower field or another type of place where they grow flowers and walk around. Point out your favorites and stop to smell the flowers. Depending on where you are, choose some flowers and make a small bouquet for later. You can also assign everyone a different color for their bouquet and see what people create. |
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Go to a flower field or another type of place where they grow flowers and walk around. Point out your favorites and stop to smell the flowers. Depending on where you are, choose some flowers and make a small bouquet for later. You can also assign everyone a different color for their bouquet and see what people create.
Going zip lining or tree climbing is an exhilarating summer adventure activity. This can be fun for large groups or birthday parties. Try not to force someone to do anything if they are afraid of heights as some places are really high up in the sky.
Book a campsite or simply set up your tent in your backyard. Grab your sleeping bags, pillows, and warm clothes as you are outside. You can watch some movies and have fun snacks.
Have lots of colors of embroidery thread and make bracelets using simple patterns, like square-knot or ladder. You could also make bracelets using beads and necklace string (it is stretchy). If you like, you could make matching ones with all your friends as friendship bracelets to remind you of good times.