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These water party games are fantastic for a beach day celebration or a hot summer's day where you are looking to cool off in a fun way. Welcome to the splash zone where you may very likely get wet. Some games might involve a little water where others are a full on soak. Make sure your guests are forewarned and are dressed appropriately for the fun water adventure. Below check out more than 20 different party games and activities organized in alphabetical order. |
These water party games are fantastic for a beach day celebration or a hot summer's day where you are looking to cool off in a fun way. Welcome to the splash zone where you may very likely get wet. Some games might involve a little water where others are a full on soak. Make sure your guests are forewarned and are dressed appropriately for the fun water adventure. Below check out more than 20 different party games and activities organized in alphabetical order.
Ages: 5 and older
Objective: To keep the beach ball in the air the longest
Players: 2 or more
Materials: Beach ball and a hose
Rules: Start a timer and start spraying. The person is using the hose to spray the beach ball up in the air. Keep the time between all the players. The person with the longest lift wins the game.
Ages: 3 and older
Objective: To fill a bucket with water by passing a cup using teamwork
Players: 3 players per team
Materials: 2 buckets per team (one large one smaller), small cups one for each person
Rules: Divide players into multiple teams, having at least 3 players per team. Have a large bucket at the start of the line that is filled with tap water. Then have the players sit in a line cross legged or stand. At the back of the line have the smaller bucket that your team needs to fill. The person at the start of the line fills the team cup. They pass the water over their head trying to pour it into the next person's cup in line. This passing is repeated until the last person. They dump the water (over their head) into the bucket. Then that last person races to the front of the line and everyone backs up and starts the process again until the bucket is filled.
Ages: 4 and older
Objective: To play in the similar style as duck, duck, goose
Players: 6 or more
Materials: A small cup, bucket of water
Rules: Sit in a circle and select one player to start. That player is it and is holding a cup filled with water. They move around the circle and drip water on the players head. They say drip, drip, drip (while doing it) and when they have selected their person to chase them they say drop and pour the rest of the water on the head of that player. The two then run around the circle trying to return to the starting point. With younger players everyone stays in the game.
Ages: 4 and older
Objective: To try to be the last person in the game
Players: 6 or more
Materials: A bucket for all players except one, a cup for inside each bucket, water
Rules: Set the buckets up in a circle filled with water and a plastic cup. Play music and the players move around the buckets. When the music stops the players rush to a bucket and grab the cup. The person with the cup scoops a cup of water and dumps it on their head to claim the bucket. Then remove one bucket. Continue until there is only one bucket left. Then you can replace all the buckets and start the game over again.
Ages: 3 and older
Objective: To fill a bucket of water using teamwork
Players: 4 players per team
Materials: 2 buckets per team, 1 large sponge per team
Rules: The person at the front of the line fills the sponge with water. They pass the sponge over their head. The next player passes back under their legs. Repeat the pattern over, under, over, under until the sponge reaches the bucket. The last person squeezes the sponge water out into the bucket. Then they race to the front of the line and start the process again. Repeat until the bucket is filled.
Ages: 5 and older
Objective: While blindfolded, with a limited time, search a kiddie pool to find the ping pong balls
Players: 2 or more
Materials: Kiddie pool, ping pong balls, water, bucket
Rules: Blindfold the person in the kiddie pool. Surround them with ping pong balls. When the timer goes they search the kiddie pool for the ping pong balls, and place them into the bucket or basket outside of the kiddie pool. When the timer goes count of the ping pong balls in the bucket or basket. Whoever collects the most ping pong balls wins.
Ages: 5 and older
Objective: To keep as many balls as possible outside of the kiddie pool
Players: 2 or more
Materials: Bucket of balls (use small plastic balls or wiffle balls), kiddie pool
Rules: One player is standing inside of the pool while the other is trying to toss the balls into the pool. The defender inside of the pool is trying to hit the ball out while they are in the air. If the ball lands inside of the pool they stay in the pool, if they are hit out they stay out. Count up the number that lands in the pool. The player with the least amount of balls in their pool wins this type of water party games.
Ages: 4 and older
Objective: To remove as many items possible from a kiddie pool under a given time
Players: 2 or more
Materials: Kiddie pool, pool toys (many that don’t float), hand cloth, sponge, etc.
Rules: Stand in the middle of the pool. When the timer goes off try to remove as many objects as possible using only your feet. Count how many items are out of the pool when the timer goes off. Whoever can remove the most items under the limited time wins.
Ages: 3 and older
Objective: To slide down a plastic material and have fun
Materials: Slip and slide, dish soap, water
Rules: Get the slip and slide wet and place some dish soap on the slip and slide. The dish soap will make the guests slide easier and faster. Set up a sprinkler or constantly spray when guests are jumping and sliding.
Ages: 5 and older
Objective: To splash water into a bucket to fill it
Players: 2 or more
Materials: Kiddie pool, 2 buckets, water
Rules: This game requires the two opponents to both stand in one kiddie pool. Set their buckets outside of the pool the same distance. When the race begins the players can only use their hands to splash water into their bucket. The person who fills their bucket to a determined point first wins.
Ages: 4 and older
Objective: A SpongeBob Race is when players must fill their buckets full of water using only a sponge.
Players: 2 or more
Materials: One equal size sponge per player, two same sized buckets per player, water
Rules: On the playing field place half of the buckets in a row about three feet apart and fill them full of water. Ten feet away place the second row of empty buckets parallel to the first. You may move this row further away depending on the age of the player. Give each play a sponge and have them stand beside their empty bucket. Be sure that all buckets clearly line up with each player. When the game begins players must then run back and forth to their bucket of water and use the sponge to bring water back to fill the empty bucket. This event can either be timed and the most water in the empty bucket after that time wins, or make a mark on the empty bucket and the first player to reach that mark with water wins this variation of water party games.
Ages: 4 and older
Objective: To fill a bucket of water at a distance
Players: 2 or more
Materials: 2 buckets per team, 1 sponge per team
Rules: Spread out your players along the distance that needs to be covered. Have the full bucket of water at the starting point. Fill a sponge with water. Toss the sponge to a teammate, repeat until you reach your empty bucket, then try to squeeze the water out to fill the bucket. Repeat until your bucket is filled for this version of water party games.
Ages: 3 and older
Objective: To try to get opponent as wet as possible
Players: 2 or more
Materials: Water balloons, water and a garbage bag for any broken water balloons
Rules: Each team gets a bin of filled water balloons. When the game begins you can try to get the other team (aim waist down). You can only toss your water balloons from your bucket. If one is tossed and does not pop any player can then toss that water balloon. When you are out of water balloons you are out of luck.
Ages: 4 and older
Objective: To see how far away you can get while tossing a water balloon without popping it
Players: 2 or more
Materials: Water balloon filled with water
Rules: Toss, catch, step back and repeat. See how far you can get from your teammate without popping your water balloon.
Ages: 5 and older
Objective: To keep a player in a dodgeball game without getting hit by a water balloon
Players: 6 or more
Materials: Water balloons, center line, sit out area
Rules: Each team starts with a bucket of water balloons. These are set at the back of the playing area for each team. Then players toss the water balloons trying to hit the opponent team members (waist down). If a player is hit they are out of the game. When you are down to the last couple of players (or you can go down to one) then everyone can rejoin the game for another round and keep playing water party games.
Ages: 4 and older
Objective: Players try to soak other players during a water gun fight while trying to keep dry themselves
Players: 2 or more
Materials: Water, water guns or any thing else that holds water like buckets, empty clean ketchup bottles, empty dish soap bottles etc., towels
Rules: Divide the players into two teams. Have two watering stations. Use either two garden hoses, large buckets or kiddie pools full of water. Give each player a watering weapon. Water guns or super soakers work best, but if there are a lot of players use the suggestions above. When both teams are ready with weapons full of water, play begins. Players must then try to get the other team wet with water and try to keep dry. Rules can be made against getting a player wet while they're re-filling their water weapon. Teams must only use their own water refilling station. When the game is over the team that is the least wet wins.
Ages: 4 and older
Objective: To stay dry
Players: 5 or more
Materials: Water balloons, music
Rules: Have all the players sit in a circle. Then start playing music. When the music starts the players pass the water balloon around. They need to try to not pop the balloon. Once the music stops the person holding the balloon needs to pop the water balloon over their own head.
Ages: 4 and older
Objective: Players attempt to do a water limbo under a stream of water
Players: Any number
Materials: Garden hose attached to a water faucet, spray nozzle, broom handle, masking tape, towels
Rules: Hook up the garden hose to the spray nozzle and set it either to full or jet. Turn the water tap on and adjust water pressure so that a comfortable stream forms that goes about 6 feet in distance. Take the broom handle and mark with tape every 6 inches or 1 foot. This will be your limbo marker. When all is set, hold the broom handle up vertically and hold the nozzle at the highest mark on your broom and start spraying the water. Use the locking lever on the nozzle to make it easier on your hand. Players then attempt to go under the water stream walking forward and bending backwards if necessary in order not to hit the water. If every player made it through the first height successfully, lower the stream to the next mark. If a player gets hit by the water, they will be given one more chance. If they get hit by the water again, they are out. Continue playing and lowering the stream each time until only one player remains. That player is the winner. Have that player attempt to go as low as they can. This way everyone gets wet with this version of water party games.
Ages: 4 and older
Objective: Keep he water balloons up in the air
Players: 6 or more
Materials: Water balloons, parachute, beach balls of different sizes
Rules: Put the water balloons, and beach balls on the parachute. Swing the parachute up and down to move all the items. Sometimes people can run under, lay under, move in circles, etc. Randomly replace the water balloons if they pop.
Ages: 4 and older
Objective: To hit the water balloon and pop it
Players: 2 or more
Materials: Water balloons, string, striking object
Rules: This is similar to a regular pinata, except that when popped the person will get wet. Hang numerous water balloons from a tree, pergola, etc. Then have your guests try to hit one. They should break easily if filed extra full.
Water Party Games Possible Prizes: